Friday, June 16, 2006

Ashton's Elementary Days are Done

Photo by Mike Bitton
Ashton Bitton's final day of elementary school finds her in a reflective mood. Actually, the mood was a trick Mike did with his portable studio lights in the front yard.

Ashton is done with elementary school! In the fall, she'll attend Shahala Middle School, which, conveniently, is right down the street from our Vancouver, Wash., home.

Mike gets to stay at Ashton's elementary school and take on a fresh crop of second graders in September. Ashton still has mixed feelings about leaving the kid life behind. "I don't want to have to be responsible for like, paying bills and stuff," she said. Hopefully that's a few years off yet. Ashton intends to be active in music and theater at Shahala, which is known for outstanding programs in both.

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